Tag Archive | doubt

Solid in Core. Steadfast in Confession

Keep diligent watch over your heart, for that’s where life starts.

Keep your heart with all diligence for the issues of life spring from there Prov 4:23

The picture behind the thought of guarding your heart; is of something so valuable, it needs to guarded by special forces!  It is the intentional stationing of trained guards, to protect at all cost, that which is not just valuable but strategic.

Strategic because our heart is our core and life and ALL its issues, issue from here!

Another way of saying it would be this, our core is who we BE and life IS responding to who we be not what we do.  However, if who we be, synchs with what we do, then life and circumstances begin to change.  And yet, there is another level of life and circumstance changing power available to us; when who we be is in NOW Grace and what we do is empower by the Spirit of grace.

Eruptive and disruptive power, the same as the Father exerted in raising his Son IS available, and part of ‘now grace’ which He has given to all His sons and all His daughters! Eph 6:10

A solid core, begins when we evaluate who we be.  We take our heart in for a mot.

This is an ongoing dynamic the Father undertakes.  “I the Lord search the heart. ” Jer 17:10.  I do not look at the appearance. I Sam 16:7.  His word tests the thoughts of our hearts. Hebs 4:12  Father is very interested in our hearts, who we be.

Who we be is the sum total of all we Believe and our Experiences.  To be more forensic, it’s not just having experiences but our interpretations of those experiences.

The life limiting sentences like:  I can’t.  I am not good enough, talented enough or educated enough.  If only.  I’ll never…   All of these and many more are decisions, usually made from within a traumatic experience and via the emotions that were present and strong at the time.

These short sentences can themselves be life-long prison sentences, keeping us in, holding us back, keeping us out and stopping us from entering in!

Gideon would be the classic biblical character for this core mind-set.  See Judges 6. When God entered Gideon’s present He did so answering Gideon’s prayer and complaint by addressing the answer –

The LORD is with you, mighty warrior! Judges 6:12

God’s description clashed with Gideon’s interpretation of himself which was generationally deep! V15.  Until Gideon’s core interpretations synched with the released revelation, the situation would be the same.   God is patient and will wait but nothing will change long-term, until His revelation becomes our interpretation of who we are, what we have and what in Him, we can do.

The all-encompassing biblical word for this is grace.

A graced core is a solid core, one that has been set in and upon his Word; about who we are, what we have and what we can do because we are in Christ, the anointed one! When who I be lines up with what He says about me, and I stay there, my core becomes solid and stable.  Stable is vital because unstable speaks of being two minded, or two-souled and this condition means we will not receive anything from Father.  See James 1:8

Jesus said that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth will speak. Matt 12:34 So, our words are a glossary and a dictionary of our hearts.  Jesus also said that we would be acquitted or condemned by our words, and that we would have to give an account for every idle word we have uttered. Matt 12:36&37

The word idle speaks of not being employed, of not putting our words to work for us!

The combinational power of who I be, synched with confessing His Word is unparalleled and is far more than just positive self-mirror talk.  Jesus said that His Words were spirit and life.  Jn 6:63 and that they had the power to set us free. Jn 8:32   When we take to heart, literally, His Word, his definition of who we, whose we are, what we have and what we can do, all things become possible.

Biblical meditation is thinking on and speaking out His Word simultaneously, so that the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts synch.  Ps 19:14

Satan knows the system that the Father has put in place and all he can do is try to work the system, for his own aims and agenda by deception and lies.  He’ll try and convince us that we are over the top with all this guarding your heart and confessing stuff. Don’t buy it for a minute.  He’ll also try to get us to over emphasis one above the other which is typical of him, another one of his subtleties, designed to bring imbalance to our lives which inevitable leads to dis-ease!

Solid in core and steadfast in confession is vital to seeing all the promised resources of His kingdom becoming our reality.  The Psalmist knew the importance of a solid core and a steadfast heart

They will have no fear of bad news;
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.  Ps 112:7&8

When our core and our confession are synched God’s promises will materialise even when everything looks hopeless.

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”[d] 19 Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.  Roms 4:18-21

Against all hope, Abraham in his core believed therefore he had hope.  It says that he never wavered concerning the promise [the Word of God] but was strengthened in his faith by giving glory to God.  Giving glory to God means in opened his mouth and confessed God’s faithfulness to his Word and His people.

Abraham was fully [core and confession] persuaded.

God still wants to release  new ‘Isaac’s into His world but needs sons and daughters to become fully persuaded, in their core and their confession.

To all the next generation of Abraham’s and Sarah’s stayed solid and remain steadfast, your Isaac has been released!